UPVERS Real Influencers, a comprehensive campaign for UPV Alumni

Seeking authentic influencers to highlight talent, attitude and motivation

Alumni UPV contacted our agency to launch a campaign to highlight the people who have been trained in their classrooms. People who, thanks to their effort, attitude and motivation, have managed to become true influencers.

The comprehensive campaign “UPVERS, Real Influencers” was presented at an event at the Centro del Carmen in Valencia, chaired by the Vice Rector for Art, Science, Technology and Society of the UPV, Salomé Cuesta. The event was also attended by the General Director of Universities of the Generalitat Valenciana, Pilar Ezpeleta, among other personalities.

Who are the real influencers?

Nowadays being an influencer is fashionable, and what better way to make known those anonymous people who through their constant work have managed to be real heroes in different areas of society, standing out despite not having likes and being completely anonymous.

Thus, this campaign gave prominence to five UPV graduates: Abdón Alcañiz, art director for the television series The paper houseSara Perales, international consultant with expertise in hydraulics projects; Fabio Carmona, 3D animator in films such as The MinionsRafael Argilés, entomologist and expert in tsetse fly control, and Victoria González, telecommunications consultant.

Integral campaign

We publicized this action with a comprehensive campaign combining online and offline actions. On the website www.alumniupvers.com this initiative was announced with the profile of each of the protagonists of this campaign.

In addition, a striking exterior graphic was made to attract the attention of users.

Our heroes are some of the influencers who have changed the world, but there are many more UPV alumni who deserve to be recognized for their important role in society.

Our agency has been delighted to seek out the real influencers, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.